Wo man Tauchlehrer-Jobs online findet

Wo man Tauchlehrer-Jobs online findet

PADI Tauchlehrer Jobs finden Ich sage PADI Tauchlehrern immer, dass der beste Weg, einen Job zu finden, der ist, einfach an den Ort zu gehen, an dem du arbeiten möchtest und mit den örtlichen Tauchcentern zu sprechen. Natürlich ist das nicht immer möglich. Wenn du auf deiner Couch sitzt und...
Great first PADI IDC in Bali

Great first PADI IDC in Bali

Already more than 2 years ago I came to an agreement with Joe’s Gone Diving to organize PADI IDC’s in Bali. Because of the pandemic, it took until this July before it actually happened.Now, the tourism in Bali is back to normal and it was actually quite...
10 things you didn’t know about scorpionfish

10 things you didn’t know about scorpionfish

Scorpionfish are related to other fish in the family Scorpaenidae, which includes over 400 species of fish. Some of the most well-known and closely related fish in this family include scorpionfish, lionfish, and stonefish. All of these fish are characterized by their...