PADI IDC Dive Instructor theory

The complete series of IDC diveinstructor theory is now online! A great way to prepare for your IDC!

The divetheory in this series is a summary of the ‘Encyclopedia of recreational diving’.  The summary is written with the PADI instructor theory exam in mind. It contains 5 chapters that are similar to the 5 parts of the instructor theory exam:




Diveskills and Environment

Dekompressionstheorie und das RDP

As a PADI Course Director I know what questions are most likely to occur in the PADI exam. Although it is impossible to cover all information from the ‘Encyclopedia of recreational diving’,   I can honestly say that if you know and understand this summary completely, you have a very good chance to pass the PADI instructor theory exam.


Other ways to study

Did you know that it is possible to prepare for you IDC at home with the PADI IDC Digital Crewpak?

The IDC Crew-Pak includes digital materials that you can use for independent study before your IDC. It also contains materials that you can use during the IDC, in practical sessions and workshops. All these materials are also very useful for when you start teaching PADI courses after your certification as an instructor. When you study these materials you will learn more about all PADI programs, teaching techniques, risk management, the business of diving and more.
The IDC Digital Crewpack is available in many different languages, including German.



Diving Knowledge Workbook

Another important part of the IDC Digital Crewpak is the Diving Knowledge Workbook.
The digital Diving Knowledge Workbook contains sections on all five subjects in the dive theory exam. Each chapter contains several topics with multiple choice questions. After each question, you receive a complete explanation of the correct answer. To obtain in-depth explanations of each topic, you’re directed to review specific resources, such as The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving and PADI diver manuals.
After studying the dive instructor theory summary, this workbook is a great way to asses your knowledge.