New PADI Rescue Diver Adventure Dive

An exiting new Adventure Dive

The Rescue Diver course is often described as one of the most challenging and yet rewarding courses that divers have completed.
Still, while many divers make the step from Open Water to Advanced, far fewer divers make the next step to Rescue Diver.

To make this step a bit smaller and to encourage divers to sign up for the Rescue Diver Course, PADI has introduced the Rescue Diver Adventure Dive that can be included in the Advanced Open Water Course.

The Rescue Adventure Dive consists of two self-rescue skills: cramp release and alternate air source use, and also includes three exercises from the PADI Rescue Diver course: Exercise 1 – Tired Diver, Exercise 2 – Panicked Diver, and Exercise 5 – Missing Diver. Skills must be mastered in open water, but may be practiced first in confined water.
The three rescue exercises may be credited toward the PADI Rescue Diver course at the receiving instructor’s discretion.

There is a special Knowledge Review developed for the Rescue Adventure Dive that can be downloaded from the PADI Pros’ Site. Knowledge Development can be Instructor led, or the student can study independently using the PADI Rescue Diver eLearning or the Rescue Diver Manual. For this they need to complete Section One – Responding to Diver Emergencies I and Section Three – Missing Diver Procedures.

Performance requirements for the skills are similar to the Rescue Diver Skills. All other standards from the Advanced Open Water Diver Course apply. The student is nor required to purchase the PADI Rescue Diver eLearning or Rescue Diver Manual for this Adventure Dive.