You can teach this! Hovering

Hovering is one of the most magical moments in scuba diving—it’s when divers truly experience feeling weightless and in perfect balance. As a diving instructor, teaching students to hover is a fantastic way to show them how to control their body in the water using only their breath and buoyancy. It’s a skill that builds their confidence and sets the stage for smoother, more enjoyable dives.


Teaching this skill

During your PADI IDC you will learn the best way to teach this skill. Start with a simple, calm demonstration. Show your students to add just a little air to their BCD and that slow, controlled breaths can lift and lower them in a stable position.

Many beginners forget to use a visual refernce, which can make them rise or sink unnoticed. Also, wrongly distributed weights can cause the student to tumble to one side.
This is where your guidance comes in: remind them to use only a little air in the BCD if needed and focus on slow, deep breaths. Make sure their weights are evenly distributed.

It can helpful to stand up or use a feature of the pool (the bottom) as a visual reference. Encourage them to let stay relaxed and not hold their breath.


The reward

Some will find hovering tricky at first, and it might take a few tries to find that balance, so positive reinforcement is crucial. Every improvement counts, so it’s important to have patience and make learning this skill fun.

Seeing a student achieve their first perfect hover is a proud moment for any instructor. Students feel a huge sense of accomplishment and control, and that will carry over into all future dives.

Become a PADI diving instructor

Being a PADI diving instructor is truly the best job out there! You get to live and work in stunning tropical destinations, stay active every day, and experience the incredible reward of helping students learn new skills and boost their confidence.

Imagine spending your days teaching others to dive, sharing your love for the underwater world, and seeing their excitement as they master each skill.

Dreaming of becoming a PADI diving instructor? Get in touch, and we’ll show you how!