PADI IDC Practice Exams

Please feel free to use these materials to prepare for your PADI IDC Instructor exam or PADI Divemaster exam. Use the menu on the right to study with the free study guide and make online PADI IDC Practice Exams.

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How to become a PADI Instructor

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Divemaster Course

The first professional level in recreational diving.

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IDC Practice Exams – PADI Standards

The PADI Standards Exam contains typical questions that you would find on the PADI Instructor Exam. On the exam it is allowed to use the PADI Instructor Manual and the Guide to Teaching. PADI professional members can download the Instructor Manual from the PADI Pro site.

You don’t need a Gmail account to make the practice exams but if you sign in with a Gmail account, your progress will be saved automatically.

If you think there are any errors in the questions or answer keys, please let me know.